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RODS Overview

Definition and History

全国烟煤工会健康和退休皇冠搏彩中心网站(皇冠搏彩中心网站)根据《官方网站》(《皇冠搏彩中心》)第20条的资格要求,向煤矿工人提供养恤金和健康福利。. 《皇冠搏彩中心》是由美国国际煤矿工人联合会(UMWA)和烟煤经营者协会(BCOA)谈判达成的合同。. The Trustees of the Funds do not participate in the contract negotiations; the Trustees’ function is to administer Article XX of the contract signed by the UMWA and the BCOA.

签署《皇冠搏彩中心》的煤炭行业雇主必须根据《皇冠搏彩中心》的雇主福利计划条款,为其雇员和符合条件的养恤金领取者提供健康福利. Article XX, 工资协议第(e)条规定,在本协议项下产生的与雇主福利计划有关的争议应提交受托人. . . . In the event the Trustees decide such dispute, such decision of the Trustees shall be final and binding on the parties. Therefore, 争议解决(ROD)是要求皇冠搏彩中心网站受托人审查并发表意见,以确定雇主是否根据其福利计划的条款妥善管理了福利. Accordingly, ROD程序的目的是确保煤炭雇主提供的福利彼此一致,并遵循皇冠搏彩中心网站的做法. 此外,在审查争议时,受托人将先前的审查委员会意见作为先例.

根据1950年福利计划和信托的第9条,并根据美国联邦政府授予的豁免授权,在1978年的工资协议下,对rod进行了首次审查.S. Department of Labor. All subsequent Wage Agreements–1981, 1984, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2007, and 2011–address the Trustees’ jurisdiction to review RODs under Article XX, Section (e). 由煤炭签约雇主管理的健康福利计划(雇主福利计划)和由各皇冠搏彩中心网站管理的健康福利计划(联合福利计划), the UMWA 1992 Benefit Plan, the UMWA 1993 Benefit Plan, and the UMWA Prefunded Benefit Fund) are similar plans.

Under the 1978, 1981, 1984 and 1988 Wage Agreements, 受托人审查雇主为标准工资协议签署人的雇员或领取退休金者提出的争议. Starting with the 1993 Wage Agreement, 受托人有权审查与UMWA-BCOA ROD信托成员的雇主有关的争议. In addition, 受托人还审查根据1992年《官方网站》(《皇冠搏彩中心网站》)从其上一个雇主获得保险的养老金领取者的纠纷。.

Prior to the current ROD format, which, as noted above, was established under the 1978 Wage Agreement, the Trustees addressed questions concerning the Funds’ policies, procedures and benefit programs in a Question and Answer (Q&A) format. 受托人决定其管理的养恤金和健康福利计划所产生的承保范围和资格问题的权力在每个计划中都有规定.

《皇冠搏彩中心》第2条-资格-规定:“根据《皇冠搏彩中心》第3条有资格获得健康福利的人员是根据《官方网站》第9711条有权获得此类福利的个人, subject to the eligibility provisions of the Employer Plan in effect on February 1, 1993, and to all other provisions of this Plan.” The Employer Plan in effect on February 1, 1993, was the 1988 Employer Benefit Plan.

Who can File a ROD?

受托人将审查涉及雇员或养恤金领取者及其未亡配偶的纠纷, of employers who have contributed to the UMWA-BCOA ROD Trust. To view the list of contributors to the UMWA-BCOA ROD Trust click here. A UMWA-BCOA ROD Trust employer may also file a ROD. 受托人还将审查有关养恤金领取者及其有资格根据《皇冠搏彩中心网站》从上一个雇主获得保险的未亡配偶的纠纷. A Coal Act employer may also file a ROD. In general, a pensioner whose pension effective date is October 1, 1994, or earlier may be covered under the Coal Act.

What Happens When I File A ROD?

雇员或领取退休金人士如欲提交工作许可,应联络其所在地区的工联代表(Click here for a list of UMWA Offices). Next, the UMWA representative will send the ROD to the Funds. 皇冠搏彩中心网站的冲突解决经理将与代表或投诉人联系,以确定投诉人是否, as required, first appealed the issue in dispute to the coal company’s Plan Administrator. If the Plan Administrator has reviewed the dispute and the issue has not been resolved, the Trustees will then proceed with their review. After the Trustees have reviewed the dispute and issued a decision, the complainant and respondent receive copies of the decision. Article XX, 《皇冠搏彩中心》第(e)(5)条规定:“受托人的决定为最终决定,对双方均有约束力.”

What if The Trustees are Unable to Resolve a Dispute?

1993年妇女工会福利计划董事会目前审查工资协定下的争端. UMWA 1992年福利计划的董事会目前正在审查《皇冠搏彩中心网站》下的争端. 每个董事会由四名受托人组成:两名代表UMWA,两名代表BCOA. If the Trustees deadlock on a ROD, the ROD is sent to an arbitrator.

Article XX, Section (e)(5) of the Wage Agreement states that, “此类争端应提交给由UMWA和BCOA共同协议选出并由受托人维持的三人常设仲裁小组. 以这种方式提交的争议应由仲裁小组的一名成员裁决, determined on a rotating basis, whose decision shall be final and binding on the parties. 现有争端解决机制下的先例继续有效, 专家组应进行合作,以确保对本条下雇主计划规定的解释保持一致.”

How To Find a ROD on a Topic or Specific Issue

Each ROD opinion is given a number. 大多数ROD意见都有一个前缀,表明决定它们的工资协议. For example, ROD 84-390表示ROD是根据1984年的工资协议决定的,而ROD 88-042是根据1988年的工资协议决定的. The exceptions are the following: RODs under the 1978 Agreement do not have a prefix; therefore, ROD 227 indicates that the ROD was decided under the 1978 Wage Agreement. The other exception is RODs that are decided under the Coal Act. 以“CA”为前缀的ROD——例如CA-020——表明ROD是根据《皇冠搏彩中心网站》决定的. Q&A’s (for definition see ROD History) with a prefix of ’81’ address health issues. All other Q&A’s address eligibility issues.

You can search for a ROD in the following ways:

  • Word Search – you can type a word or a phrase.
  • RODS Index – this index follows the general format of the Employer Benefit Plan. Opinions are arranged alphabetically by subject matter. The ROD numbers have been hyperlinked to the ROD document; therefore, you can click on the ROD number to view the document. Click on your browser’s “Back” button to return to the Index

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